Plastic Surgery Blog
San francisco - East bay

Having children is one of the most magical moments in a woman’s life. But after the childbirth, and especially multiple childbirths, your body suffers a heavy toll. A bulging stomach and stretched excess skin can leave a woman feeling unhappy and uncomfortable with her body.
That’s why so many women are undergoing abdominoplasty, otherwise known as the tummy tuck. This powerful plastic surgery procedure is just the thing to get rid of stubborn protruding belly fat and excess abdominal skin.
Whether you’ve had multiple pregnancies or have simply grown frustrated with a stubborn diet-and-exercise-resistant bulge, the tummy tuck might be just what the doctor ordered to get you feeling good in your own skin again.
For an expert tummy tuck, look no further than board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau. Schedule your consultation today and learn more about your tummy tuck options.

Beat Double Chins Without Surgery – Kybella
Double chins are a disheartening surprise and a blow to your self-image, making you feel fat regardless of how the rest of your body looks. It’s very difficult to lose chin fat – exercise and dieting don’t have much of an impact at all. If you’re frustrated by your double chin, there’s hope in the form of Kybella!
Kybella is non-surgical minimally invasive injectable treatment specifically designed to reduce the excess fat around your chin. Kybella has been approved by the FDA for treating double chins to cause fat loss. Injections of Kybella are a quick process – after one office treatment, you return to your daily routine and just wait for the results.
Board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Douglas Chin and Dr. Glen Lau can help you get the results you’ve been dreaming about. Call today to schedule an appointment!

Find a Better Facial Balance with Rhinoplasty
Your nose provides the centerpoint for the aesthetics of your face, so if your nose is overly large or crooked, it can create an imbalance in your overall look. Thankfully, the rhinoplasty, or nose-reshaping procedure, can help improve the appearance of your nose, with the added potential benefit of helping to correct breathing issues.
At Bay Area Med Aesthetics, board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Glen Lau and Dr. Douglas Chin work closely with patients to ensure that the individualized care and aesthetic attention is top-notch. Doctors Lau and Chin work to account for a wide range of factors in order to give you a distinct and attractive nose.
If you’re frustrated with the way your nose looks, contact Bay Area Med Aesthetics today and schedule a consultation.

Find Your Best Face with Facial Implants
There’s an old saying, “Put your best foot forward.” Sometimes, however, it’s better to put your best face forward. Looking your best can give you an edge in both your professional and personal life. That can be tough to do if your face is uneven, asymmetrical, or has otherwise unbalanced features.
Your cheeks, chin, and jaw are especially important for creating your facial shape and profile, and to enhance those and improve your facial appearance, facial implants can work wonders.
A facial implant is implanted under your skin in a precisely targeted area to change the shape of your face in the desired manner. A chin or cheek implant is designed to augment in order to improve your facial proportions in an aesthetically pleasing fashion.
At Bay Area Med Aesthetics, board-certified plastic surgeons Dr. Glen Lau and Dr. Douglas Chin believe that achieving harmony is one of the most important goals of plastic surgery. Learn how a facial implant can help you by scheduling your consultation today!

Botox Injections - San Francisco Nerve Signals
Lose those unwanted age lines with the help of convenient and quick Botox injections! Botox is one of the most popular injectable options today. Are you curious about how Botox actually works?
Botox Cosmetic is a formulation of a neurotoxin called botulinum toxin type A. When Botox is introduced to the muscles via injection, it works to block a chemical called acetylcholine from reaching the nerves.
Acetylcholine causes muscle contractions. When it is blocked, this makes it so muscles are not overused to the point of lasting contraction. After injections, contracted muscles relax, and the fine lines in the skin smooth away.
Contact us to schedule an informative consultation, where you’ll be able to discuss Botox with board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau. This injectable might be exactly what you’ve been searching for.

Augmentation Lift Healing Process - Breast Surgery San Francisco
The augmentation lift, or augmentation mastopexy, is a combination of breast augmentation and a breast lift.
If you’re interested in enhancing your breasts, this is often one of the best options. When you’re learning more about the procedure, it’s helpful to find out about the healing process in order to be better prepared.
The augmentation lift healing process allows patients to return to work fairly quickly. Usually, only one week of recovery is required before a return to one’s job is possible. It will also be necessary to temporarily stop performing one’s typical daily errands and activities until this week is up.
Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau will be happy to answer questions and address concerns regarding the augmentation mastopexy recovery process during a consultation. To arrange a consultation with these two board-certified plastic surgeons, contact our office today.

Botox - San Francisco Wrinkle Types
Crow’s feet are small shallow wrinkles that appear near the sides of the eyes. These accumulate and give an impression of aging.
With injections of Botox, these little lines will ease away, leaving the patient with smooth, youthful skin.
Botox is also able to take care of vertical bands on the neck and numerous lines and facial wrinkles. These include chin wrinkles, horizontal forehead wrinkles, the vertical lines between the brows (glabellar lines), and smoker’s lines.
After Botox treatments, the muscles can relax, letting the skin smooth out over them. Interested in finding out more about the benefits of Botox Cosmetic? If so, contact us and schedule a consultation with skilled board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau.

Breast Augmentation Recovery - Healing San Francisco
When you come in for a breast augmentation consultation, one subject that will be discussed is breast augmentation recovery. This is a very important aspect of the procedure, as it can impact the quality of the results if not done properly.
The breast augmentation recovery period will require you to stay home from work for around three days. Some patients need slightly more downtime depending on the details of the procedure.
Avoid physically taxing activities for around two to three weeks of your recovery. This will ensure that your incisions and your tissues heal properly.
Overall, it’s important to be gentle with your body until recovery is complete. To find out more, speak with Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau, two board-certified San Francisco plastic surgeons. Arrange a consultation by contacting our office today.

Facelift - San Francisco Facial Rejuvenation
A facelift can take years off of the face, offering a restoration of a patient’s youth and beauty. Not only do we provide facelifts, we can also couple them with other facial procedures to achieve more comprehensive facial revitalization.
Along with their facelift, a client can receive procedures like laser skin resurfacing, blepharoplasty surgery, and a chemical peel.
A blepharoplasty can tighten the loose skin of the eyelids, and laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels are able to rejuvenate the appearance of the skin and remove superficial issues.
If you’re interested in combining your facelift with another procedure for an even more youthful look, contact us and schedule an informative consultation to learn more. After meeting with board-certified plastic surgeons Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau, you’ll have a better understanding of your options.

Botox - Treating Fine Lines San Francisco
Botox is an injectable that is primarily used to resolve facial wrinkles and fine lines, but it is not like most other anti-wrinkle injectables.
There are numerous dermal filler injectables on the market, and you may have heard of these. Rather than being a dermal filler, Botox is instead a muscle relaxant.
Dermal filler injectables focus on volumizing the skin to fill wrinkles. Botox, on the other hand, eases away fine wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that cause them. Contracted muscles crease the overlying skin. When they’re relaxed, the skin is flat and smooth.
Doctors Douglas Chin and Glen Lau, two board-certified San Francisco plastic surgeons with years of experience, are your ideal choice for Botox and any other injectables you’re interested in. For a consultation, contact our office today.
Please contact us today to schedule an appointment or get more information about our hand and upper extremity surgical services.